Where has the solid witness of Christ gone?

Where is the voice of ethical and moral reasoning standing a witness against manifestations of anger and fear?

Liberty includes respect for others

Is there a slow death of religious liberty? In America, protected classes include race, color, national origin, choice of religion, disability, and familial status. What reason must ones chosen religion, which is a protected class, need additional Religious Freedom laws? Evangelicals in the U.S. enjoy abundant religious freedom; perhaps more than any other protected class … Continue reading Liberty includes respect for others

Acts don’t fit religion

Acts don't fit religion KEVIN TENGESDAL Bismarck Aug 15, 2015 Recently, religious institutions appear to be heralding a separation from all things they deem offensively gay — marriage equality, Boy Scouts, anti-discrimination, lifestyles, etc. Biblically, the initial plan was of creating a holy people separate from other nations, unique for God. Through time, these people … Continue reading Acts don’t fit religion

Monologue needs to change toward LGBT people

Letter to the editor: Monologue needs to change toward LGBT people By Kevin R. Tengesdal from Bismarck on Apr 30, 2015 at 7:22 a.m. Perhaps, we need to change the monologue. Instead of saying, “God hates gay people,” say, “God Hates [name of family member or friend who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender!” Instead … Continue reading Monologue needs to change toward LGBT people